5 myths about working with agencies: busted

Does the idea of working with a digital agency raise more questions than answers? Working with a third party can feel like a step into the unknown, a departure from your usual practices. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We get it. It’s natural to be protective of your work and what you put out into the world, especially when it comes to content and communications.

It’s not just a single process on the line; it’s your entire online presence and reputation.

But when everyone’s plates are full, or you’re missing some expertise, a third party can be the perfect solution. 

Here, we debunk a few common myths about partnering with agencies, and determine if this model might actually be a great fit for your organisation

Myth 1: It takes longer to get things done 

Keeping a tab on your team internally can be challenging at times. Keeping an external partner accountable? A similar challenge - but a thorough vetting of the agency in question and a clear workflow plan from the start helps make sure things run smoothly.

When looking at a content agency, look for signs of active accountability. We’ve built a transparent workflow through our proprietary content management platform.

From the moment the brief is set, we keep you in the loop throughout the content creation process. We have fixed turnaround times for each format, and we set clear deadlines based on your schedule so you always know when to expect your content.

Myth 2: Adding a layer of communication slows things down

We’ve all been there, waiting for a call back or a reply on Slack. Good relationships are built on solid communication - and it can be hard to picture how this will work with a third party. Use the initial meetings and conversations to gauge how regular and clear an agency’s communication skills are. 

Every customer that signs up with The Content Engine gets assigned an account manager who is dedicated to their success.

They’ll set up weekly meetings to generate ideas, steer your content through our workflows and make sure you’re getting the most out of our creative teams. You’ll never wait more than a day for a response.

Myth 3: Agencies can’t personalise their service to suit you 

It’s not fun feeling like you’re just another face in the crowd. After all, you’ve got your own needs and priorities - from your topic specialism to your target audience.

Remember those account managers from the last paragraph? They’re also experts in their industries, keeping ahead of the latest trends, news and topics.

We make sure that you are partnered with someone who understands your specific needs and goals, and can find the best solution to meet those.  

Myth 4: It’s hard to find an agency to match your culture

Building and maintaining a healthy company culture is an ongoing piece of work.

When considering working with a partner, you might worry whether their values will align with yours. Could this potentially upset the existing work environment?

Cultural alignment is the cornerstone of a positive relationship. That’s why we act as an extension of your team, partnering with you to understand and fit into your culture instead of disrupting it.

We have a diverse, experienced team and a rigorous onboarding process to ensure that our partnership is focused on a direction agreed by all.

Our team isn’t separate - they act as an extension of your team, a helpful third arm that does the heavy lifting. 

Myth 5: Agencies can’t accurately measure our success

Creating dazzling content is all well and good, but you also need to benchmark your work against organisational goals. How can a third party do that?

By understanding your priority objectives, our in-house experts provide you with data-rich analytics about the performance of your content. That means you can make better decisions about your content strategy and set yourself up for success.

Trusting someone outside of your organisation is a big deal. But the step into the unknown can be worth the payoff.

We prioritise clear communication, tailored solutions and a commitment to customer goals to ensure that you get the most out of your content.

Want to know more? Get in touch with us today.


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